Code | Gateway | Title | Message | Notes |
200 | CC | Captured | Payment successful | If payment is successfully processed through credit card, then this status will be returned |
CC | Accepted | Payment successful and accepted | If payment is captured and received , then this status will be returned | |
500 | CC | 3DS authentication required | 3DS authentication required | If any of the 3DS related details are missing, then this status will be returned |
CC | Finished | Missing Cardcvv | If cvv details is not provided during card payment, then this status will be returned | |
CC | Finished | Authentication Rejected By Issuer - Cardholder Not Enrolled In Service | If 3DS authentication is rejected , then this status will be returned | |
CC | Finished | 3DS declined | If 3DS is declined while authenticating, then this status will be returned | |
CC | Rejected | Payment rejected | if after capturing the payment if it’s rejected due to any issue, then this status will be returned | |
401 | CC/DD/OB | Authorisation error | Payment Intent has expired | If the payment intent is created before 30 minutes or it has been used for one payment type already, then this status will be returned |
CC/DD/OB | Authorisation error | Unauthorised request | If the passed access_token in header, is invalid , then this status will be returned | |
CC/DD/OB | Authorisation error | Access Token expired | If the access_token is created before 30 minutes, then this status will be returned | |
403 | CC/DD/OB | Authorisation error | Forbidden request | If Blink API status is not active in merchant account, then this status will be returned |
400 | CC/DD/OB | Validation error | Api key is required | If api key is not present, the create token request will return this status |
400 | CC/DD/OB | Validation error | Secret key is required | If secret key is not present, create token request will return this status400 |
CC/DD/OB | Validation error | Amount is required | If proper amount is not present, create intent request will return this status CC - 1 (min amount) | |
400 | CC/DD/OB | Validation error | Return url is required | If return url is not present, create intent request will return this status400 |
CC/DD/OB | Validation error | Notification url is required | If notification url is not present, create intent request will return this status | |
CC/DD/OB | Validation error | Payment type is required | If payment type is not present, create intent request will return this status Supported payment types - credit-card, direct-debit, open-banking | |
CC/DD/OB | Validation error | Currency is required | If currency is not present, then create intent request will return this status. |
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