You can access the All Card Transactions page under Reporting on the left-hand navigation bar.
This page displays all your transactions that have been processed today on Blink. For each transaction, you can see the following:
MID - The Acquiring Merchant ID that you used to take the transaction.
Transaction Date/ Time - When the transaction took place.
Transaction Amount - The amount the customer was charged with.
Card Details - Card scheme and last four digits of the customer’s card.
Transaction Method - Whether it was a card present, card not present or eCommerce transaction ( only available for merchants using AIB).
Batch Funding Date -The date of when the batch that this transaction is a part of was funded to your account.
Batch Funding Amount - The total amount of the batch that was funded.
You can filter the table with the filters (simultaneously), choose the desired parameters, and select by choosing any of the desired parameters (or multiple ones), and selecting Apply Filter:
Transaction Date
Card Number
Card Brand
Transaction Amount
Transaction Method (AIB only)