Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Transactions are limited from £1.00 to £24.99. If they not in this range, the transaction will fail.

Sample Codes

Hosted - Integration

Code Block

//Merchant ID
 $merchantID = '100001'

 // Merchant Signature key,
 $key = 'Circle4Take40Idea';

 // Gateway URL
 $url = '';

 if (!isset($_POST['responseCode'])) {
 // Send request to gateway

 // Request
 $req = array(
 'merchantID' => $merchantID,
 'action' => 'SALE',
 'type' => 1,
 'countryCode' => 826,
 'currencyCode' => 826,
 'amount' => 1001,
 'orderRef' => 'Test purchase',
 'transactionUnique' => uniqid(),
 'redirectURL' => ($_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'on' ? 'https' : 'http') . '://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'],

 // Create the signature using the function called below.
 $req['signature'] = createSignature($req, $key);

 echo '<form action="' . htmlentities($url) . '" method="post">' . PHP_EOL;

 foreach ($req as $field => $value) {
 echo ' <input type="hidden" name="' . $field . '" value="' . htmlentities($value) . '">' . PHP_EOL;

 echo ' <input type="submit" value="Pay Now">' . PHP_EOL;
 echo '</form>' . PHP_EOL;

 // Check the return signature
 if (!$signature || $signature !== createSignature($res, $key)) {
 // You should exit gracefully
 die('Sorry, the signature check failed');

 // Check the response code
 if ($res['responseCode'] === "0") {
 echo "<p>Thank you for your payment.</p>";
 } else {
 echo "<p>Failed to take payment: " . htmlentities($res['responseMessage']) . "</p>";


 // Function to create a message signature
 function createSignature(array $data, $key) {
 // Sort by field name

 // Create the URL encoded signature string
 $ret = http_build_query($data, '', '&');

 // Normalise all line endings (CRNL|NLCR|NL|CR) to just NL (%0A)
 $ret = str_replace(array('%0D%0A', '%0A%0D', '%0D'), '%0A', $ret);

 // Hash the signature string and the key together
 return hash('SHA512', $ret . $key);

