Method | Return | Parameters | Description |
setMock | void | ODataRequestMock mockRequest | Method used to call mock data for test purposes |
createElavonRequest | ODataRequest | String endpoint, Boolean insertMessages, Boolean hasMultipleRequests | Starts an Elavon request. If the token has not been generated, it will generate in this instance. |
buildAndAddApplication | Map<Boolean,String> | Id applicationId, TestingParameters testingParameters, Boolean insertMessages | Helper method called by the flow (Flow_BuildAndAddApplication) to start the application creation. This method aglomerates all the methods necessary to create the application, as well query definitions to the necessary objects. |
getOfferPackages | GetOfferPackagesResponse | Id applicationId, String mcc, Boolean isPartOfMultipleRequests, Boolean insertMessages | Retrieves all available packages from Elavon. It is required that a mcc iso code is set to perform this request. |
getEquipmentOffer | GetEquipmentOfferResponse | String equipmentOfferingRef, Boolean isPartOfMultipleRequests, Boolean insertMessages | Retrieves an equipament offer, based on the equipment offer reference, that can either be EQ_OFFER or AQ_ONLY. |
getAcquiringOffer | GetAcquiringOfferResponse | String transactionPricingRef, Boolean isPartOfMultipleRequests, Boolean insertMessages | Retreives the aquiring offer based on the transaction price reference (40672) |
addApplication | AddApplicationResponse | Application__c application, Merchant_Account__c merchantAccount, Account mainAccount, Contact mainContact, GetEquipmentOfferResponse equipmentOffer, GetAcquiringOfferResponse acquiringOffer, String packageRef, TestingParameters testingParameters, Boolean isPartOfMultipleRequests, Boolean insertMessages | Main method to create the application for Elavon. In the method, it is set all information related to merchants, outlets, and where is used the retrieved information from get_offer_packages, get_equipment_offer and get_acquiring_offer. |
uploadDocument | UploadDocumentResponse | Id applicationId, String applicationReference, Boolean isPartOfMultipleRequests, Boolean insertMessages, String entityId, DocumentParameters params | Method used to deploy documents to Elavon. It is used to send proof documents (Id, Address, Business and Bank) as well for the signed application. |
submitDocuments | Map<Boolean,String> | Id applicationId, String applicationReference, Boolean isPartOfMultipleRequests, String ownerRef, DocumentParameters params, Boolean insertMessages | Auxiliary method that is called by a flow apex class (Flow_SubmitDocuments). |
submitApplication | SubmitApplicationResponse | Id merchantAccountId, String applicationReference, Boolean isPartOfMultipleRequests, Boolean insertMessages | Method that confirms the sumbission of an application to Elavon. |
submitApplicationMap | Map<Boolean,List<String>> | Id applicationId, String applicationReference, Boolean isPartOfMultipleRequests, Boolean insertMessages | Auxiliary method that is called by a flow apex class (Flow_SubmitApplication). |
applicationStatusCheck | ApplicationStatusCheckResponse | Id applicationId, String applicationReference, Boolean getSignerDetails, Boolean getApplicationDocuments, Boolean isPartOfMultipleRequests | Method that checks if the application status as changed and confirms if Elavon recieved correctly the application. |
applicationStatusCheck | Map<String,List<String>> | Id applicationId, String applicationReference, Boolean isPartOfMultipleRequests | Auxiliary method that is called by a flow apex class (Flow_CheckApplicationStatus). |
Method | Description |
setupData | Data setup for the test class |
testAddApplication_ReturnCode200 | Test if the application creation was sucessfull |
testAddApplication_ReturnCode400 | Test the application creation errors |
testAddApplication_PackageRef_BLINK_40672 | Test if the application creation for the package reference BLINK_40672 was sucessfull |
testAddApplication_PackageRef_TERMINAL_40672 | Test if the application creation for the package reference TERMINAL_40672 was sucessfull |
testSubmitApplication_ReturnCode200 | Test if the submission of the application was sucessfull |
testSubmitApplication_ReturnCode400 | Test the submission of the application errors |
testApplicationStatusCheck_ReturnCode200 | Test if the application status call was sucessfull |
testApplicationStatusCheck_ReturnCode400 | Test the application status call errors |
testUploadDocument_ReturnCode200 | Test if the application document submission was sucessfull |
testUploadDocument_ReturnCode200_WithMultipleFiles | Test if the application document submission of multiple documents was sucessfull |
testUploadDocument_ReturnCode400 | Test the application document submission errors |
testGetOfferPackages_ReturnCode200 | Test if the get offer package API call was sucessfull |
testGetOfferPackages_ReturnCode400 | Test the get offer package API call errors |
testGetEquipmentOffer_ReturnCode200 | Test if the get offer package API call was sucessfull |
testGetEquipmentOffer_ReturnCode400 | Test the get offer package API call errors |
testGetAcquiringOffer_ReturnCode200 | Test if the get aquiring offer API call was sucessfull |
testGetAcquiringOffer_ReturnCode400 | Test the get aquiring offer API call errors |
Class called by the flow Elavon – Build and Add Elavon Application to create a new Elavon application
Code Block |
global class BuildAndAddApplicationRequests {
global String applicationId;
global String sortCode;
global String accountNumber;
global String regNumber;
global String vat;
global String offerPackRef;
global String businessType;
global String appCode;
global String mmsc;
global String chargebackFee;
global String cardAcceptance;
global String PCIPackage;
global Boolean mktOptin;
global Boolean fasterPayments;
global Boolean amex;
global Boolean elavonFee;
global Boolean dcc;
global Boolean vatAdded;
global Boolean TetraDesk;
global Boolean Poynt;
global Boolean TetraMove;
} |
Code Block |
global class BuildAndAddApplicationResults {
global Boolean result;
global String errorMessage;
global String ownerReference;
global String applicationReference;
} |
Class called by the flow Elavon – Send Elavon Documents to submit all necessary documents to Elavon
Code Block |
global class SubmitDocumentsRequests {
global String applicationId;
global String applicationReference;
global String ownerReference;
global String applicationDocumentType; //DOC; APP; DD; SOF
} |
Code Block |
global class SubmitDocumentsResults {
global Boolean result;
global String errorMessage;
} |
Class called by the flow Elavon – Submit Application to submit the Elavon application
Code Block |
global class SubmitApplicationRequests {
global String applicationId;
global String applicationReference;
} |
Code Block |
global class SubmitApplicationResults {
global Boolean result;
global List<String> errorMessage;
} |
Class called by the flow Elavon – Check Application Status to check the status of the Elavon application
Code Block |
global class CheckStatusApplicationRequests {
global String applicationId;
global String applicationReference;
} |
Code Block |
global class CheckStatusApplicationResults {
global Boolean result;
global String errorMessage;
global String status;
} |