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Direct Debits

Table of Contents


This feature allows enables you to create a GoCardless account ( or connect your existing one). It enables you to set up GoCardless account and manage your Direct Debit payments within Blink, alongside all along with your other payments in Blink.

You In one place, you can add new customers, create subscriptions or , take one-off payments, and manage your customer's payments and mandates all in one place. We also offer provide the ability option to integrate into a test GoCardless account, so allowing you can to try out the Direct Debit features and the functionality without using any real funds.

Creating/Connecting your GoCardless Account

Navigate to the Direct Debits


section by selecting


‘Manage Direct

Debits icon

Debits’ on the dashboard




using the left-hand navigation bar (


Customer Centre > Direct Debits).

You will now be asked to select from

Please select either a Live or Test account




proceed to log in to your existing GoCardless account




create a new one.

This will take you

You'll be redirected to a page hosted by GoCardless


where you can enter



relevant information.

necessary information.

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titleVideo Tutorial - Adding new/existing account



Managing your Direct Debits

Once After connecting a GoCardless account has been connected, the landing page is replaced with interface changes to display two tabs, : Customers and Payments.

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This page
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The Customers tab displays all




with whom you have


a Direct Debit agreement



You can view

each customer and

their payment history

with you




a new customer. Mandates, one-off payments and subscriptions can all be created and managed on this page too.Viewing

new customers, request mandates, and manage subscriptions.

All your customers are listed here with their basic contact information, date created, status and various action buttons.

Each customer can be selected and expanded to display further information on the customer (including address and bank account), the mandates that you have (and had) with them, and any payments or subscriptions that you have taken or have scheduled.

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Address/Bank accounts

The customers bank account and address are shown here. The merchant can select the “Edit” button, and update the customers name, email and address, or attach custom metadata to this customer.

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Each mandate is shown with its reference, date initiated, the last payment taken using this mandate (this shows the actual date of the payment, not the date it was initialised), and its status. A mandate can be edited to attach custom metadata too.

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Each subscription is shown with its name, date created, date of the first and last payments, the amount and frequency that it is collected, and its status. It can be expanded to show all payments that have been taken or have been submitted (This include pending_submission status).

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One-off payments

Each payment is shown with its reference, amount, status and date that it was initiated.

Adding new customer

Select the button “Add Customer” To add a new customer, simply click on the "Add Customer" button located at the top left of the page and . Then, enter the customers customer's email . The address. Once you've done that, the customer will now receive an email from GoCardless with the instructions on how to set - up a mandate agreement with you. When After the customer has completed completes the form, the Merchant will be notified by an you will receive a notification email from GoCardless and the customer will appear in their “Customers” 's information will be added to your "Customers” list.

Creating a mandate

If When a customer is “Inactive”, then they do not have a working mandate with the Merchant. A mandate can be created by 3 methods, Reinstating an Inactive mandate, or creating a new onemarked as "Inactive," it means that they currently don't have an ongoing agreement with the merchant to make payments through direct debit. In order to create an agreement, the merchant can either reinstate an inactive one, request a new one, or request a one-time payment through direct debit and sign a mandate.

  • Reinstating an Inactive mandate - Select an “Inactive” customer, and then the “Reinstate” button next to the customers “Inactive” mandate. This will resubmit the previous mandate.
    A mandate can only be reinstated if it has been cancelled through Blink or the GoCardless dashboard. Any mandate that has been cancelled by the bank cannot be reinstated. A mandate can be resubmitted up to 10 times.

  • Creating a new mandate - Locate an “Inactive” customer, and select “Create mandate” button. This will prompt the merchant to select the customers bank account, and then submit a mandate request for that bank.

  • Requesting A Payment (within Payments) takes a payment and creates a mandate.

Creating and managing a subscription

Locate an “active” customer, select the “Create new” button and then “Subscription”.

This will open an iframe take you to the Take a Payment page, where the merchant can create fixed repeat scheduled payments. They input the name and amount for this subscription , and decide its schedule. The start date can be chosen, along with the frequency and length.

The merchant then selects the mandate that on which this subscription will be created on, and creates the subscription.

A subscription will have two buttons, “Edit” and “Cancel”.

  • Edit - This opens an iframe where you can change the name and amount of the subscription. (Please note

  • that any changes to the amount will only occur for the next scheduled payments. Any payment that has already been submitted (i.e. has at least a status of pending_submission - the first stage) will use the original amount that it had)

  • Cancel - This will cancel the subscription and any future scheduled payments. Any payment that has already been submitted will not be cancelled. (To cancel those payments, see “Creating a one-off payment” below)

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Creating a one-off payment

Locate an “Active” customer, select the “Create new” button and then “One-off payment”. This will open an iframe where take the merchant can input the to the Take a Payment page, where a one-off payment can be taken. The amount and description for this payment can be selected, and select the date for the payment to be initialised. (Please note, this is the date the payment will be actioned. The actual funds will not be transferred on this day)

Any payment that is still in the “pending_submission” stage can be cancelled using the “cancel” button.

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Delete customer

Locate a customer and select the “Delete Customer” button.

This will remove the customer from the


merchant's list. Only “Inactive” customers (with no active mandates) can be deleted. (Please note


that any payments

that have



submitted will not be cancelled. They can only be cancelled using the “Cancel” button in the “One-off payments” section under a customer, so if this customer is deleted


, there will be no option to cancel the payment. This payment will still show up in the “Payments” tab)


This page displays all payments that you have taken or have pending.

Each payment is shown with the Customers name and email, reference, amount, requested date, completed date and status.

Possible options for statuses are


  • Pending Submission - The payment has been created but hasn’t yet been submitted to the banking system for processing. The payment will be automatically submitted prior to the charge date. You can still cancel payments while they are pending submission. 

  • Submitted - The payment has been submitted to the banking system for processing, and can no longer be cancelled. If you would still like to cancel the payment at this stage, please advise your customer to contact their bank directly with this request. 

  • Pending Customer Approval - The customer has selected “More than one person is required to authorise Direct Debits” on the online mandate form, but has not yet sent this to GoCardless. Alternatively, the customer is set up with a restricted mandate and has not yet approved the payment. 


  • Failed - The payment was not successfully collected from the customer’s bank account. (The reason for this failure will be listed on your GoCardless dashboard)

  • Cancelled - The payment was cancelled before the charge date. No further action will be taken on this payment.

  • Charged Back - The payment was returned to the customer’s bank account in accordance with Direct Debit rules. This is actioned by the customer’s bank at the request of the customer.


  • Confirmed - The payment has been confirmed by the customer’s bank as having been successfully collected from their account. Once the payment has been confirmed, GoCardless will arrange for it to be paid out to your registered account. Please note that we can only pay out to a bank account that has been fully verified. 

  • Paid Out - The payment has been paid out by GoCardless to your registered account. Payouts are typically generated in the morning and should arrive into your account in the afternoon. Please note that all times are estimated. 



GoCardless handles all emails and receipts

are handled by GoCardless


Logging out/Connecting a new GoCardless account

Select the profile icon in the top right-hand corner of the portal, and then “My Connected apps”. If a GoCardless account has been linked to Blink, a “Disconnect My GoCardless Account” button will be displayed there. (Please note, only the Lead Admin will see this button)

To connect a new GoCardless account (or the same one), follow the same steps as in the “Creating/Connecting your GoCardless Account” section above.

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Blink Slice Webinar - Dive into Direct Debits