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Get API Keys
Before using, you will need to log in to Blink and get the API key and secret key for your Blink page:
1.1 Log in to
1.2 Navigate to My Blink pages under Customer Centre.
1.3 Select the relevant Blink Page
1.4 You should see the API key and secret key for the selected page.
If you have a test developer account, you can also find the API Credentials on your dashboard.
NOTE: If you do not see the keys, please contact the Blink support team to set up the API keys.
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Method | Endpoint | Description |
pay/v1/tokens | Create an access token |
pay/v1/intents | Create an intent |
Refresh the access token
Refresh the intent
pay/v1/intents/{id} | Return the intent |
pay/v1/intents/{id} | Update the intent |
pay/v1/elements | Return required details to populate payment form |
pay/v1/ |
creditcards | Processes credit card payment and redirects to |
pay/v1/transactions/{id} | Returns transactions details |
POST | {notification_url} |
Pushback transaction details to the specified notification URL |
pay/v1/ |
directdebits | Create customer, their bank account, mandate and payment request using the customer details and returns to user defined return URL after successful payment request creation |
Return payment request status using payment id in later phase
pay/v1/openbankings | Process open banking request with transaction details. On success, it will provide the bank server redirect URL. |
pay/v1/ |
transactions/{id} |
Upon successful or failed payment on the bank server end, bank will return the response to this API request. Here, it will be handled and sent to the Merchant’s provided return URL.
200 OK
Everything worked as expected.
400 Bad Request
Often due to missing a required parameter.
401 Unauthorized
No valid API key provided.
402 Request failed
The parameters were valid but the request failed.
403 Forbidden
The API key doesn't have permissions to perform the request.
404 Not Found
The requested resource doesn't exist.
409 - Conflict
Conflicts with another request (perhaps using the same key).
429 - Too Many Requests
Too many requests hit the API too quickly.
/reruns | Rerun any existing transaction which has been failed earlier. | |
POST | pay/v1/transactions/{id}/captures | Capture any transaction earlier than the predefined delay capture duration |
POST | paylink/v1/paylinks | Create paylink url |
GET | paylink/v1/paylinks/{id} | Return the paylink details. If, Id is not passed, it will return all the paylinks created from that merchant account. |
PATCH | paylink/v1/paylinks/{id} | Update the paylink |
DELETE | paylink/v1/paylinks/{id} | Delete the paylink |
POST | paylink/v1/paylinks/{id}/notifications | Send reminder to the email or phone number at any time for the payment of the paylink |
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Markup Conventions
Item | Description | ||
| Code in the body of test | ||
| Code block | ||
| Variable in code | ||
GET | Get method | ||
POST | Post method | ||
PUT | Put method | ||
PATCH | Patch method | ||
DELETE | Delete method | ||
(optional) | All attributes are mandatory, unless identified optional keyword. |