Rerun Transactions

Rerun Transactions

User can rerun any existing transaction at any time which has been failed earlier. Authenticate this request using HTTP Basic Auth by adding a bearer token to the header, e.g. Authentication: Bearer {{access_token}}. You can get the {{access_token}} from the create token request.

If the previous transaction had the following values for transaction_type, SALE or PREAUTH, then both fields amount and transaction_unique are optional, if they are not entered, then it should use the amount and transaction_unique from the previous transaction.

If the previous transaction  had “VERIFY” as transaction_type, then amount field is required.

Rerun Transactions

POST /pay/v1/transactions/{transaction_id}/reruns


Content-Type string
Content type.

Authorization string
Access token generated from create token request.



amount float
Transaction amount.

transaction_unique string
Transaction unique.

delay_capture_days integer

Number of days for which the transaction will be delayed. The maximum number is 30


POST https://secure.blinkpayment.co.uk/api/pay/v1/transactions/BL-2349AGB/reruns HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/json Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbG... { "amount": 1.01, "transaction_unique": "ref7ng8" }


HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json { "success": true, "message": "Rerun successfully", "amount" : "1.01", "reference": "ref7ng8", "transaction_id": "BL-2349AGB" }