Response Codes
Generic messages are consistent across all three payment types, Credit Card, Open Banking and Direct Debit.
HTTP Response Codes
Name | Description |
200 OK | Everything worked as expected. |
201 Created | New response created. |
400 Bad Request | Often due to missing a required parameter. |
401 Unauthorized | No valid API key provided. |
402 Request failed | The parameters were valid but the request failed. |
403 Forbidden | The API key doesn't have permissions to perform the request. |
404 Not Found | The requested resource doesn't exist. |
409 - Conflict | Conflicts with another request (perhaps using the same key). |
429 - Too Many Requests | Too many requests hit the API too quickly. |
500 | Something went wrong |
Generic Messages
Code | Status | Title | Message | Notes |
201 | Success | Success | Success | Access token is created |
201 | Success | Success | Success | Payment Intent is created |
400 | Failed | Validation error | Api key is required | If API key is not present, the create token request will return this status |
400 | Failed | Validation error | Secret key is required | If secret key is not present, create token request will return this status |
400 | Failed | Validation error | Amount is required | If proper amount is not present, create intent request will return this status |
400 | Failed | Validation error | Return url is required | If return url is not present, create intent request will return this status |
400 | Failed | Validation error | Notification url is required | If notification url is not present, create intent request will return this status |
400 | Failed | Validation error | Payment type is required | If payment type is not present, create intent request will return this status |
400 | Failed | Validation error | Currency is required | If currency is not present, then create intent request will return this status. |
400 | Failed | Validation error | Payment Intent is required | If payment intent is not present, this status will be returned |
401 | Failed | Authorisation error | Payment Intent has expired | If the payment intent is created before 30 minutes or it has been used for one payment type already, then this status will be returned |
401 | Failed | Authorisation error | Unauthorised request | If the passed access_token in header, is invalid , then this status will be returned |
401 | Failed | Authorisation error | Access Token expired | If the access_token is created before 30 minutes, then this status will be returned |
403 | Failed | Authorisation error | Forbidden request | If Blink API status is not active in merchant account, then this status will be returned |
Credit Cards
Code | Status | Title | Message | Notes |
200 | Captured | Captured | Payment successful | If a “sale” type payment is successfully processed through credit card, then this status will be returned. Also, if payment type is “credit”, then for successful “credit” type transaction. this status will be returned which credit accepted. |
200 | Accepted | Accepted | Payment successful and accepted | If payment is captured and received , then this status will be returned |
200 | Approved | Approved | Payment successful and approved | If a “sale” type payment with delay capture is successfully processed through credit card, then this status will be returned. |
200 | Reversed | Reversed | Payment successful | If transaction type is “preauth” then for successful preauth transaction this status will be returned. |
200 | Verified | Verified | Payment successful and verified | If transaction type is “verified” then for successful verified transaction, this status will be returned which means account is valid. |
200 | Success | Success | Rerun successfully | If rerun request successfully completed then this status will be returned. |
200 | Success | Success | Captured successfully | If transaction is captured successfully before predefined delay capture duration, then this status is returned. |
400 | Failed | Validation error | Payment Token is required | If payment token is not present , creditcards request will return this status |
400 | Failed | Validation error | Device timezone is required | If 3DS authentication is enabled, device timezone is needed for Credit Cards request |
400 | Failed | Validation error | Device capabilities is required | If 3DS authentication is enabled, device capabilities is needed for Credit Cards request |
400 | Failed | Validation error | Device screen resolution is required | If 3DS authentication is enabled, device screen resolution is needed for Credit Cards request |
400 | Failed | Validation error | Device accept language is required | If 3DS authentication is enabled, device accept language is needed for Credit Cards request |
400 | Failed | Validation error | Remote address is required | If 3DS authentication is enabled, remote address is needed for Credit Cards request |
400 | Failed | Validation error | Customer name is required | If customer name is not present, this status will be returned |
400 | Failed | Validation error | Customer email is required | If customer email is not present, this status will be returned |
400 | Failed | Validation error | Transaction must be in approved state | For Captures Request, transaction must be in approved status |
400 | Failed | Validation error | Transaction must be preauth type or with delay capture details | For Captures Request, transaction type must be preauth or with delay capture details |
400 | Failed | Validation error | Amount is required | For Captures Request, if transaction type is “verify”, then amount is required. |
500 | 3DS authentication required | Authentication error | 3DS authentication required | If any of the 3DS related details are missing, then this status will be returned |
500 | Finished | Finished | Missing Cardcvv | If CVV details is not provided during card payment, then this status will be returned |
500 | Finished | Finished | Authentication Rejected By Issuer - Cardholder Not Enrolled In Service | If 3DS authentication is rejected , then this status will be returned |
500 | Finished | Finished | 3DS declined | If 3DS is declined while authenticating, then this status will be returned |
500 | Rejected | Rejected | Payment rejected | if after capturing the payment if it’s rejected due to any issue, then this status will be returned |
Open Banking
Code | Status | Title | Message | Notes |
200 | Success | Success | Payment successful | If payment is successful, then this status will be returned |
400 | Failed | Validation error | Customer name is required | If customer name is not present, this status will be returned |
400 | Failed | Validation error | Customer email is required | If customer email is not present, this status will be returned |
500 | Failed | Failed | Payment Failed | If payment is not successful, then this status will be returned |
Direct Debit
Code | Status | Title | Message | Notes |
200 | Pending submission | Pending submission | If payment is successful, then this status will be returned. | If payment is successful, then this status will be returned. The payment has been created, but not yet submitted to the banks |
200 | Submitted | Submitted | If payment is successful, then this status will be returned in later stage. | If payment is successful, then this status will be returned in later stage. The payment has been submitted to the banks. |
200 | Paid out | Paid out | If payment is successful, then this status will be returned in later stage. | If payment is successful, then this status will be returned in later stage. The payment has been included in a payout (i.e. ready to transfer to creditor’s account) |
400 | Failed | Validation error | Given name is required if company name is not present | If given name is not present in the absence of company name, Direct Debits request will return this status |
400 | Failed | Validation error | Family name is required if company name is not present | Family name and given name, both are required in the absence of company name in Direct Debits request |
400 | Failed | Validation error | Company name is required if given name and family name are not present | If company name is not present along with given name and first name, Direct Debits request will return this status |
400 | Failed | Validation error | Email address is required | If email is not present, Direct Debits request will return this status |
400 | Failed | Validation error | Account holder name is required | If account holder name is not present, Direct Debits request will return this status |
400 | Failed | Validation error | Branch code is required | If branch code is not present, Direct Debits request will return this status |
400 | Failed | Validation error | Account number is required | If account number is not present, Direct Debits request will return this status |
401 | Failed | Authorisation error | Direct debit is not enabled to this merchant account | If merchant’s Gocardless account is not connected with their blink account, then this status will be returned |
Code | Title | Message | Notes |
200 | Success | Paylink details fetched | If paylink details are fetched successfully then this status will be returned. |
200 | Success | Paylink details updated | If paylink details are updated successfully then this status will be returned. |
200 | Success | Paylink notification sent | If paylink notification is sent successfully then this status will be returned. |
201 | Success | Paylink created | If paylink url is created, then this status will be returned. |
204 | Success | Paylink deleted | If paylink is successfully deleted, then this status will be returned. |
400 | Validation error | Email or mobile number is required | Email or mobile number is required while creating any paylink resource. |
400 | Validation error | Status can be changed for unpaid paylinks only | Paylink can be updated only if it’s status is unpaid. |
400 | Validation error | Only email, mobile number or reminder details can be updated for any paylink | The following details can be updated for any unpaid paylink
400 | Validation error | Status can only be changed to cancelled | Unpaid paylink can only be changed to “cancelled” status. |
400 | Validation error | Reminder interval and frequency are required | If reminder details need to be updated for any unpaid paylink, then both reminder interval and frequency are required |
400 | Validation error | Paid paylink cannot be deleted | Any paid paylink cannot be deleted |
400 | Validation error | Send sms or Send email must be true | Any of the following attribute must be true for Paylink Notification request.
400 | Validation error | Notification can only be sent if status is Payment attempted or Unpaid | Paylink Notification request will be sent only if the status is Unpaid or Payment attempted. |
401 | Authorisation error | Unauthorised access | If invalid merchant details are passed, then this status will be returned |
404 | Data not found | Invalid request | If invalid paylink id is passed, then this status will be returned |