Create Credit Card Payment for ECOM
POST /v1/pay/cc/process
In 3DS authentication , you need to pass the following additional information in header.
user-agent string
User agent.
accept string
accept-encoding string
Accept encoding.
accept-charset string
Accept charset.
payment_intent string
Payment intent token.
paymentToken string
Payment token generated from Create Payment Token request.
type string
Type 1 is ECOM
payment and type 2 is MOTO
raw_amount float
Payment amount.
customer_email string
Customer email.
customer_name string
Customer name.
transaction_unique string
Transaction unique.
device_timezone integer
Device timezone value which can be fetched using javascript. This value is required in 3DS.
device_capabilities string
Device capabilities which can be fetched using javascript. This value is required in 3DS.
device_accept_language string
Device accept language which can be fetched using javascript. This value is required in 3DS.
device_screen_resolution string
Device accept language which can be fetched using javascript. This value is required in 3DS.
remote_address string
Remote address which can be fetched using javascript. This value is required in 3DS.
POST Content-Type: application/json Authentication: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbG... user-agent: ...... accept: ..... accept-encoding: .... accept-charset: .... { "payment_intent": "pi_Swhc84aSLtUGppvPARX...", "paymentToken": "eyJwYXltZW50VG9rZW4iOns...", "type": 1, "raw_amount": 1.1, "customer_email": "", "customer_name": "A Smith", "transaction_unique": "PHnRNzjUw...", "device_timezone" : "-3**", "device_capabilities" : "java**", "device_accept_language" : "en-G*", "device_screen_resolution" : "1360x7****", "remote_address" : "10********" }
Response before 3DS authentication
{ "acsform" : "<form id="form3ds22" method="post" action="https://acs.********"><input type="hidden" name="creq" value="********"> <input type="hidden" name="threeDSPageSessions[427**************][bfreq]" value="*******"> <input type="hidden" name="threeDSPageSessions[427**************][threeDSRef]" value="****"> <input id="btnSubmit" type="submit" class="button expanded btn btn-primary" value="Process Payment"> </form>" }
Response after 3DS authentication
{ "url": "" }
Create Credit Card Payment for MOTO
POST /v1/pay/cc/process
payment_intent string
Payment intent token.
paymentToken string
Payment token generated from Create Payment Token request.
type string
Type 1 is ECOM
payment and type 2 is MOTO
raw_amount float
Payment amount.
customer_email string
Customer email.
customer_name string
Customer name.
transaction_unique string
Transaction unique.
POST Content-Type: application/json Authentication: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbG... { "payment_intent": "pi_Swhc84aSLtUGppvPARX...", "paymentToken": "eyJwYXltZW50VG9rZW4iOns...", "type": 2, "raw_amount": 1.1, "customer_email": "", "customer_name": "A Smith", "transaction_unique": "PHnRNzjUw..." }
{ "url": "" }