Woocommerce Integration Guide

Woocommerce Integration Guide





WooCommerce is one of the most popular ecommerce software on the internet as it is built on WordPress and is easily customisable, regardless of technical knowledge. Please see the steps below in how to integrate Blink into your WooCommerce site, and accept card payments directly from there.



Merchant ID (this can be provided by our Support Team)

Signature key (this can be provided by our Support Team)

If you would like to test the integration first, you can use the following test credentials:


  1. Navigate to our Woocomerce GitHub link, click on the Code button and Download the ZIP. Alternatively, you can download it directly on this link.

  2. On your site’s WordPress Admin settings, navigate to Plugin Settings → Add New Upload PluginChoose File. Select the plugin file that was downloaded (Blink-WooCommerce-main).

  3. On the Installed-Plugins page, click activate the Blink-WooCommerce plugin.

  4. Navigate to WooCommerce Settings → Payments → All payment methods.

  5. Find the Blink plugin and click Finish set up.

  6. Tick Enable Blink on. For the Type of Integration field, select Hosted (Embedded).

  7. Enter your Merchant ID and signature key in the relevant fields (contact our support team to receive this/ these).

  8. Check that the Gateway URL is https://gateway2.blinkpayment.co.uk/hosted/modal.

  9. Click Save.

Your WooCommerce integration is now complete!

Processing a Transaction

Once your customer has added the items to their shopping cart, they will proceed to the site’s checkout, where they will fill in personal details such as their name, email, shipping address etc. Once filled in they will select “Pay with Credit/ Debit Card” (you can edit the button text in the plugin). Once clicked, they will be directed to a checkout summary with the Blink integration payment page opened in an iframe. The customer enters their card details (Name on Card, PAN, CVV, & expiry date) and clicks on “Pay”. Blink will initiate the 3DS check and process the transaction, once completed, your customer will be notified. successful.

If the payment is unsuccessful, the customer will be prompted to try the payment again. If it is successful, the customer will be redirected to a success page and receive an email receipt.

On WooCommerce, you can see the list of orders made on your site.

Orders with successful payments will be marked as “Processing,” i.e. you, the merchant, should now be processing the order. Whereas orders with the status “Pending” are when the customer has not yet made a successful order. For more on status orders, please visit the WooCommerce guide.

Managing WooCommerce Transactions on Blink

A record of a transaction that is done through the integration will be shown on the Blink Card transactions page on Blink. It can take up to 20 minutes for integration transactions to appear. from here, you can manage the integration transaction like any other Blink Transaction: resend receipt, cancel, refund, rerun or repeat the transaction. See the Blink Cards transaction history guide for more details on these functions.

The details they have entered on the site (name, email, billing address) will all show in the transactions list. The transaction reference of a WooCommerce transaction will always start with “WC_order_” followed by a string of random letters.

Updating Plugin

We update the plugin frequently. If you want to upgrade your integration to the most recent version, please deactivate and delete the current version from WordPress.


If you want to build more customised integrations, please look at our integration guide.

If you have any questions, please email our integration team integrationsupport@blinkpayment.co.uk.