Blink - Xero app reporting integration

Blink - Xero app reporting integration


Our Blink–Xero integration

Any Blink transaction originating from payment links, virtual terminal and Blink pages will be included and sent to Xero for reconciliation. 

This guide will show you step-by-step how to connect your Xero account to Blink and how Blink sends transaction data to Xero.

Connecting your Xero account

Only a Lead or Supervisor user can connect your Blink account to Xero.

Log in to your Blink portal and navigate to the My connected apps section in the drop-down in the right-top corner.

You will see a section on the My connected apps page. Click on the Connect button next to the Xero logo to start the connection process.

You will then be directed to Xero and prompted to authorise Blink to access data on your Xero account. You will be prompted to log in to Xero if you are not already logged in.

Once you have allowed access and confirmed, the connection is complete. You will be redirected to the Blink apps page, where you will see that the connection has been successful.

App functionality

Once the connection is complete, Blink will create a bank account called Blink holding account on Xero. This is a fake Bank account used to show all transactions done on Blink.


Starting when the bank account is made, any transaction made through Blink will also be in the Blink holding account. The transaction will show the references inputted through Blink as well as the method of payment: card, Direct Debit or open banking and type of payment: VT, payment links, Blink page, and reruns.

Reconciling transactions

Clicking on the Blink holding account will show you the list of transactions. By default, they are unreconciled. Xero will automatically suggest you to pair a transaction with a payment record or invoice that is on your account.

Disconnecting your Xero Account

If you want to revoke Blink access, please navigate to the My connected apps page and click the red Disconnect button by the Xero logo.

Link your Blink page to your Xero invoices.

Please refer to our Xero integration guide Xero for instructions on how to attach Blink pages to your Xero invoices by entering your invoice number and amount dynamically.


Which transactions are being sent to Xero?

You can view any one-off open banking, card or Direct Debit transaction processed through a Blink page, payment link or virtual terminal on Xero.

Every transaction attached to the Blink account will be sent through.

How often does it send transaction details to Xero?

Any successful transaction is sent to Xero instantly. However, transactions might take 5 – 10 minutes to pull through.

Do I need to refresh the screen to show the transactions?


What is a Blink holding account, and why do we need it?

The transaction details we sent to Xero need to reference something; as such, we created our Blink holding account. As Merchants might have several accounts connected to Xero, it’s clearer to have one location for Blink transactions.

If I disconnect the integration, will I still be able to see the old transactions?


If I disconnect the integration, will I still be able to see the transactions I reconciled?





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