Additional Merchant ID

Additional Merchant ID

Do you need an additional Merchant ID for a new store or site? To apply to the bank, please provide the following information:


Confirmation of MID type:


ECOM = online payments via a website or pay links

Card present = physical card machine; the customer pays in person

MOTO = over the phone can be via a virtual terminal or a physical card machine



  • If more than one, please confirm the anticipated split of the merchant ID - i.e. 70% via the website (ECOM) and 30% via the physical Card terminal (Card Present).

  • Proof of banking for both charges (where funds are taken from, such as merchant services charges, along with any chargebacks) and deposits (where funds are paid into) - dated within the past 3 months

  • Average transaction value

  • The anticipated card turnover

  • Is any hardware or software required? Such as a physical terminal or a payment gateway. Please confirm in as much detail as possible

  • The email address and number for the main contact for this application.

  • The trading address and proof of the same – dated within the past 3 months

  • AML for directors

  • NDX/Lead times – what is the approximate length of time between payment and delivery of goods/services?



Once you have gathered all the necessary information, please contact our support team to submit your application at support@blinkpayment.co.uk.